For the past 78 years, the people of Palestine have continuously been subjected to crimes of aggression by the Zionist occupation, a systematic oppression of ethnic cleansing, genocide, organised state terrorism, murder, embargo, land and property confiscation, destruction of infrastructure, apprehension and torture in prisons and detention centres, etc. 

We, the undersigned, are gravely concerned and outraged by the death sentence issued against Sharifeh Mohammadi, an independent labor and women's rights activist, by Branch 1 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Rasht. The baseless and unjust death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi has been issued on the false charge of "Baghi," (rebellion), meaning "organized and armed action against the entirety of the regime."

Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist from Rasht, who has been detained since December 2023 and has been imprisoned in the women’s ward of Lakan Prison in Rasht for 7 months, has been sentenced to execution by the Iranian judiciary on charges of “rebellion”

Hekmatist Party (Official Line) May 29, 2024 
On the night of Sunday, May 26, the Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah turned into the crematorium of Hitler's fascist regime in Auschwitz. Thousands of men and women, young and old, and children opened their eyes to the inferno that the fascist state of Israel created for them amidst the sound of bombs and explosions. More than 45 innocent and defenceless people burned amid the fire and smoke, and dozens more were injured.

Statement No. 6 of the Three Worker-communist Parties in the Region
Today, May 7th, in an atmosphere filled with fear and dread of the Israeli army's military operations against the people of Gaza and fear of an attack on Rafah, the last remaining "sanctuary" where over one and a half million people from Gaza, after multiple forced displacements and fleeing from bombardments and comprehensive massacres by the rulers of Israel, have sought refuge, once again, the Israeli military government, in complete disregard of global pressure and demands, attacked Rafah.

The global civil protest movement against Israel's genocide and the support of Western governments has recently sparked a broad and comprehensive protest movement among the students in the American universities. This humanitarian movement began initially at Columbia University in New York and has gradually spread throughout the United States.

Libertarians! Freedom Seeking People & Freedom Loving People of the world! According to the reports received, Toomaj Salehi, a Rapper Singer and Artist, opposing the Islamic regime of Iran, one who has been arrested, tortured, and imprisoned many times, by the security apparatus of the clergy government, has been sentenced to death on baseless, false, and delusive charges, including corruption.

دیروز، ۱۸ آپریل ۲٠۲۴، پریسا پوینده و یسرا معاذی نژاد با یان پاترنوته، سخنگوی امور خارجه حزب دمکراتهای ۶۶ در پارلمان هلند، ملاقات کردند. در این نشست با اشاره به افزایش نگران کننده سرکوبها،  بازداشتها و اعدامها در ایران، آماری از اعدامها، لیست افراد زیر حکم اعدام و یا در خطر اعدام تهیه شده توسط کمیته آزادی زندانیان سیاسی، بیانیه اتحاد برای توقف اعدامها در ایران و گزارش شکنجه دارویی به ایشان تحویل داده شد.

Press Release - Urgent: Political Prisoners in Iran Initiate Hunger Strike in Protest Against Executions.For Immediate Release.12 February 2024.   Political prisoners in Iran, predominantly from Ghezelhesar prison, have launched a hunger strike every Tuesday to protest the alarming surge in executions by the Islamic regime. Despite limited international media coverage, the regime exploits this silence to intensify executions, including fabricated charges against over a hundred political prisoners, with thousands more facing execution sentences.

After our strong and united presence on Saturday December 2 and the resounding slogan "Special security and baton are no longer effective", Koohi, the CEO of the company, with thousands of humiliations tried to justify the sending of the special unit last year.

Always display external images from این آدرس ایمیل توسط spambots حفاظت می شود. برای دیدن شما نیاز به جاوا اسکریپت دارید For the first time in France, an international conference brought together defenders of Laicity from around the world on December 8 and 9, 2023 at Paris City Hall. The conference was co-organised by the Association Laïques Sans Frontières (LSF) and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), in collaboration with the Comité Laïcité République (CLR)

Working friends!  Your strike and your tireless protests for your demands are the crystallization of your iron will. You have rightly declared demands which have been refused by the employer, the managers and the government. These demands, which are also presented in the text of your strike declaration, include:

Labor Rights in Iran Number 26 July - September 2023 Introduction 4-Introduction: This publication is Zamaneh Media’s 26th Labor Rights Report. These reports focus on key issues like workplace health and safety, various types of workplace discrimination, women’s labor, child labor, unemployment, deferment or non-payment of wages, labor organization, and labor protests.

The massacre of children and civilians in Gaza has angered a great majority of people in the world. Governments, UN and the human rights industry have not agreed to a ceasefire. If anything, they have supported Israel to continue its atrocities in Gaza. The current war between Israeli government and Hamas paramilitary forces in Gaza has a much wider dimension. The war in Gaza and to some extend in the West Bank follows other aims.