گزارش نشست پریسا پوینده، دبیر کمیته آزادی زندانیان سیاسی با سخنگوی امور خارجه حزب دمکراتهای ۶۶ در پارلمان هلند

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دیروز، ۱۸ آپریل ۲٠۲۴، پریسا پوینده و یسرا معاذی نژاد با یان پاترنوته، سخنگوی امور خارجه حزب دمکراتهای ۶۶ در پارلمان هلند، ملاقات کردند. در این نشست با اشاره به افزایش نگران کننده سرکوبها،  بازداشتها و اعدامها در ایران، آماری از اعدامها، لیست افراد زیر حکم اعدام و یا در خطر اعدام تهیه شده توسط کمیته آزادی زندانیان سیاسی، بیانیه اتحاد برای توقف اعدامها در ایران و گزارش شکنجه دارویی به ایشان تحویل داده شد.

در این نشست در باره آمار اعدامها، همچنین گزارش شکنجه دارویی که در اختیار کمیته حقیقت یاب سازمان ملل گذاشته شده و بیانیه علیه اعدام توضیحات بیشتری داده شد. هم چنین به خطر اعدام زندانیان سیاسی، مجاهدکورکور، عباس دریس، رضا رسایی، فاضل بهرامیان، مهران بهرامیان، جواد وفایی و منصور دهمرده اشاره شد.
در ادامه خواست کفالت سیاسی این افراد، گفته شد این موضوع را به پارلمان خواهند برد و قرار شد اطلاعات بیشتری جهت طرح این موضوع در اختیارشان قرار داده شود.
در ارتباط با خواست گذاشتن افراد مهم و کلیدی سپاه در لیست تروریستی، قرار شد پیگیریهای لازم جهت این امر را نیز انجام دهند.
در ادامه در ارتباط با گزارش شکنجه دارویی و در راستای خواست ما برای ایجاد یک کمیته مستقل جهت تحقیقات در باره شکنجه دارویی زندانیان سیاسی و اعمال فشار بر جمهوری اسلامی، قرار شد گزارش و مدارک دیگر که در اختیار ایشان گذاشته شده را دقیق تر مورد بررسی قرار داده و اقدامات پیشنهادی شان را دیرتر به ما اعلام کنند.

کمیته آزادی زندانیان سیاسی،  در راستای حمایت از مبارزات مردم در ایران و علیه نقض آزادی بیان، توقف سرکوبها، بازداشتها و اعدامها به تلاشهای خود در سطح بین المللی جهت منزوی کردن، اخراج نمایندگان حکومتی از سازمانهای بین المللی و بایکوت سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی ادامه خواهد داد.

کمیته آزادی زندانیان سیاسی
  لینکهای تماس

۱۹ آپریل ۲٠۲۴

Escalating Regional Tensions Overshadow Ongoing Assaults on  Women and Political Prisoners in Iran

The threat of war in the Middle East has distracted international attention from the attack on women and the situation of political prisoners in Iran! Morality police and their brutal violence against women are back on the streets in Iran!

As tensions mount in the region, the plight of political prisoners and the shocking increase in violent assaults on women in Iran remain alarmingly overlooked. The Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI) expresses grave concern over the worsening situation of political prisoners, the rising execution rates, and the targeted violent attacks on women in Iran.


The recent conflict between the Israeli government and the Islamic regime in Iran has created further worries about the situation of people in Iran and the possibility of a wider war in the region. The news of possible war in the region has been on the news every day. The Islamic regime in Iran is using this focus of attention to war to execute more prisoners, threatening, kidnapping and arresting those who oppose the regime. Most notably, since Saturday 13th April 2024, the regime in Iran has intensified the attack on women as part of the regime’s plan to crack down on women who are not obeying the Hijab law. Despite the new waves of suppression, women are bravely defying the regime.


The regime is well aware that they do not have any authority and credibility inside or outside of Iran. Inside Iran, the regime and its IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) attempt to use intimidation, kidnapping, torture and execution to push back an ongoing movement of Iranian people for freedom. And outside Iran, the regime uses terrorism to hold on to a little power they have in the region.


The IRGC forces and morality police as part of the IRGC, have been physically attacking and threatening women on the streets, kidnapping, imprisoning, raping and torturing them every day. Video clips and photos that have been published on social media show how the IRGC assaults and arrests women, seizes their cars that transport women without Hijab and shuts down cafes where women appear without Hijab. There is an all-out war against women in Iran but it is not shown on the news!


CFPPI calls upon governments, the United Nations, and the European Union to take decisive actions to pressure the Islamic regime in Iran into releasing all political prisoners, stop executions and end its crackdown on women in Iran. Mere condemnations or sanctions against IRGC individuals prove ineffective in deterring the regime's violation of human rights. While the regime and its IRGC continue its horrifying crimes with impunity, including the abduction of dual and foreign nationals and support for terrorism, it remains unscathed by international accountability measures. The continued reception of the regime’s foreign minister at the UN, despite the regime's track record of crime against humanity, underscores an urgent need for a change of direction.


Designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization would constitute a meaningful step in supporting the Iranian people. Only decisive actions like this could pressure the regime to halt repression, imprisonment, torture and executions. CFPPI urges the European Union and its member states to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Failure to do so will only embolden the regime and its terrorist forces to perpetrate further atrocities in Iran, the Middle East, and beyond.


Weekly update of political prisoners sentenced to execution or in danger of being executed



Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran


For media inquiries, please contact:


Shiva Mahbobi, Spokeswoman

Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)

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2 April 2024
